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Safe water team with biosand filter
New Embrace Uganda Safe Water Project Team in Kitigoma, Uganda with FEAT Africa leader, Matthew Loguya, around the first filter independently produced by the team.

World Water Day 2024

Water is something that connects us all, and so is the need for safe drinking water. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Safe Water Social Ventures (SWSV) initiative. We are involved in equipping and financially assisting local teams to provide clean drinking water to their own communities (by providing price discounts scaled to income level).

Recently we had a great opportunity to visit and connect with our local implementing partner, FEAT Africa, in the West Nile region of Uganda. This also allowed the opportunity to connect with the Embrace Uganda team, who are starting a new safe water project in Kitigoma, Uganda.

So, in February we sent a SWSV team member to Uganda for a 5-week period. The objectives of the trip were to:

  • Further develop our relationship with FEAT Africa, our main local partner, and other partners
  • Seek to better understand the needs of the teams and of their local communities
  • Learn from one another with the team members
  • Encourage the teams in their work
  • Consider improvements to the SWSV projects and delivery model with the local teams
  • Support the new start-up project in Kitigoma
  • Collect video footage for a short film celebrating the 20th anniversary of SWSV (to be screened on November 21st, 2024) and sharing testimonies with partnered supporters


We are pleased and thankful with how the trip went. The above objectives were met, and our team member was also encouraged in his work and personal life during the experience. We are keen to share with organizations and individuals further about this work so that more may join in supporting the effort.

A very notable reflection from visits to the local beneficiaries was the constant theme of positive impact that each one shared in their story of accessing safe drinking water! Clear testimonies about major health improvements continued to strengthen the recognition of the amazing beneficial changes with drinking safe water. Many Ugandan locals were very supportive and encouraging of the work of helping to provide safe drinking water to more and more people in need.

Please feel free to reach out and communicate with us.

Email: / Phone : 519-578-5100

Safe Water Team in Uganda
New Embrace Uganda Safe Water Project Team in Kitigoma, Uganda with FEAT Africa leader, Matthew Loguya, around the first filter independently produced by the team.
People standing in front of home in Uganda
Family from a village in the Koboko area that owns and benefits from a bio-sand filter, along with happy neighbourhood children.
We are engineering change.

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