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Water Conservation

Discover how our targeted water conservation techniques can transform your business operations, reducing costs and preserving the environment.

Comprehensive Approach to Water Conservation

Strategic Water Management Techniques

Our approach begins with a thorough assessment of your current water use, identifying inefficiencies and opportunities for conservation. Our practical solutions reduce water usage without compromising on your operational needs.

Customized Conservation Strategies

Recognizing the diverse needs of businesses across different sectors, we provide customized solutions that address your facility’s specific water challenges. Whether it’s reducing water waste in manufacturing processes or applying for a rebate program,, our strategies are designed to provide maximum conservation impact with minimal disruption to your business activities.

Partnership for Ongoing Water Stewardship

We don’t just implement solutions; we partner with you to maintain and optimize water conservation efforts. Our ongoing support includes monitoring water usage, refining conservation practices, and staying updated with the latest trends in water efficiency to ensure continuous improvement.

Holistic Water Management and Conservation Strategy

Enviro-Stewards' Unique Approach to Water Conservation

Unlike traditional consultants who focus narrowly on the end symptoms of water management challenges, Enviro-Stewards adopts a holistic approach. We begin with a comprehensive assessment that goes beyond the surface to identify the root causes of inefficiencies in water use. Our goal is not just to resolve immediate symptoms but to develop innovative and sustainable solutions that address the underlying issues.

Integrated Assessment for Comprehensive Solutions

We recognize that water consumption is often closely linked with energy use and wastewater production, a relationship known as the water-energy nexus. To address this, our assessments often include water conservation, pollution prevention, and energy efficiency simultaneously. This comprehensive approach identifies opportunities for water conservation, energy efficiency, and reduced loading to wastewater treatment systems, leading to faster and more significant returns on investment.

Compliance and Efficiency

Our strategies are designed to ensure that your business not only reduces its water usage but also complies with local municipal effluent discharge regulations. By integrating water conservation measures with pollution prevention, we help you maintain compliance while improving your operational efficiency and reducing costs.

Experience with Municipal Water Conservation Programs

Enviro-Stewards has extensive experience working with various municipal water conservation programs, which can provide significant financial incentives. For example, we are knowledgeable about Toronto’s Industrial Water Rate program, which offers a reduced water rate (“Block 2” rate) to qualifying facilities in the Greater Toronto Area. We also have expertise with other regional programs like the Region of Waterloo’s Water Efficient Technology (WET) Program, York Region’s ICI Capacity Buyback & Incentive program, Peel Region’s Water Audit Program, and the City of Guelph’s Water Smart Business program. These programs not only reduce costs but also support sustainable water use practices.

We develop and implement solutions to help your business save water and money with an average payback of less than 1 year.

Water Conservation Success Story

Water Conservation

Dextran Products, a pharmaceutical manufacturer in Toronto, Ontario, was looking to slash their water use in order to save money, comply with municipal programs, and become a more socially-responsible company.

Enviro-Stewards conducted an integrated water and energy conservation plan in alignment with regulations and municipal programs. The results of this work were featured in Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine.

“We were astonished as we investigated and learned of the payback as a result of work by Enviro-Stewards,” said George Usher, Dextran Products technical director.

The integrated, holistic approach to the assessment resulted in the identification of potential water savings of $109,760/year (45,450 m3/year) and an additional $10,600/year in treatment chemical and natural gas savings. Additionally, there is the potential to sell $8,800 of sugar (fructose) if it can be filtered from Dextran’s process water. The measures implemented at Dextran have an average payback period of 0.3 years.

Enviro-Stewards is dedicated to the development of innovative solutions to achieve long-term resource and financial sustainability for businesses.

Top 3 Reasons You Should Be Conserving Water in Your Business

Cost Efficiency

Dramatically reduce your water bills and stay ahead of rising water costs.

Know Where It’s Used

A comprehensive water balance can help you manage major water users in your facility.

Environmental Impact

Minimize your ecological footprint and enhance your brand’s reputation as a leader in sustainability.

What You Can Expect by Making Your Business More Sustainable with Enviro-Stewards

  • Comprehensive assessments for water and energy efficiency, water conservation, food loss & waste prevention,and decarbonization, among others.
  • Implementation of customized solutions quantified in the assessment phase.
  • Continuous monitoring and optimization of implemented solutions
  • Education and training for staff on sustainability practices

Stop paying and start conserving our most precious resource: water

Frequently Asked Questions About Water Conservation

Water conservation involves strategies and technologies aimed at reducing water waste, optimizing water usage, and managing water resources sustainably.

Beyond compliance and cost savings, effective water management supports sustainable operations, preserves local water ecosystems, and positions your business as an environmental steward.

Our process starts with a detailed audit of your existing water usage, followed by identifying specific areas where conservation measures can be implemented effectively.

Absolutely! By implementing efficient water usage strategies, businesses can see a significant return on investment through reduced utility costs and improved operational efficiencies.

Techniques include reuse (sometimes with treatment), reducing/controlling flow rates, switching from water cooled to air cooled processes, rainwater harvesting, and low-flow domestic fixtures.

We are engineering change.

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