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Lead the Way in Pollution Prevention (P2)

Discover how our proven pollution prevention methods and assessments can significantly reduce (or even prevent) environmental impact and foster sustainable practices.

Comprehensive Pollution Prevention Methods & Strategies

Innovative Pollution Prevention Approach

We examine the root cause in order to develop sustainable solutions aimed at reducing your environmental risks and overhead costs.

Tailored Pollution Prevention Assessments

We conduct thorough pollution prevention assessments tailored to your specific industry needs, identifying key areas where improvements can be made and implementing practical and cost-effective interventions that lead to substantial reductions in environmental impact.

Integration of Eco-Friendly Measures

Our pollution prevention methods are designed to integrate seamlessly with your existing operations, promoting a shift towards more sustainable practices that not only meet but exceed environmental compliance requirements.

Pollution Prevention Success story

Trimac Transportation, located in the Regional Municipality of Halton, cleans semi-bulk containers and portable blending tanks of residual paints for the automotive industry. The vessels are cleaned with water, chemicals, and solvents and returned to the paint vendor. Trimac engaged Enviro-Stewards to conduct a pollution prevention assessment to address sewer, air, and federal P2 planning compliance concerns associated with methylene chloride.

After a holistic review of the Trimac facility and processes, Enviro-Stewards was able to identify and implement viable pollution prevention measures including:

  • Changing the cleaning process to one that used soluble media blasting of labels and portables with baking soda, which eliminated the need for toxic solvents.
  • Refitting the valve cleaning station with covered tanks/sinks in series, in order to allow the wash solvent solution to be reused over a period of several days.
  • Installing a foot-operated valve to save over 600 tonnes of water per year.
  • Installing a vacuum system to remove retained paint from containers and then segregating the recovered paint by type to facilitate paint reuse alternatives.

The outcome of the Enviro-Stewards pollution prevention recommendations made in the assessment reduced:

  • 24 tonnes/yr of toxics
  • 68 tonnes of subject wastes
  • 55 tonnes/yr of hazardous wastes
  • 810 tonnes/yr of water
  • 2 tonnes/yr of GHGs

This P2 assessment virtually eliminated the use of a CEPA toxic, reduced worker exposure, provided water savings, improved spill prevention, and had an annual net savings of $225,000/yr with a collective payback of five months. The project also received an honourable mention award from the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME).

Enviro-Stewards is dedicated to the development of innovative solutions to achieve long-term resource and financial sustainability for businesses.

[Call out: We develop and implement solutions to help prevent pollution with an average payback of less than 2 years.]

We develop and implement solutions to help prevent pollution with an average payback of less than 2 years.

Why Focus on Your Company’s Pollution Prevention

Reduced Environmental Impact

Dramatically lower your company’s pollutant discharges through targeted prevention strategies.

Regulatory Compliance

Navigate complex environmental regulations confidently with our expertly designed pollution prevention plans.

Cost Efficiency

Cut down on waste management costs by implementing sustainable practices that reduce the need for expensive disposal methods.

Enviro-Stewards’ Approach is Unlike That of Most Consultants.

Instead of performing a traditional audit, which solely focuses on ways to dispose of toxic substances at the end state, we examine the root cause in order to develop sustainable solutions aimed at reducing your overhead and pollution control costs.

Led by award-winning, Certified Pollution Prevention Practitioner (P2) and Licensed Toxic Substance Reduction Planner, Lloyd Hipel, our team will conduct a holistic review of your facility to accurately assess your processes to determine sustainable alternatives.

Pollution Prevention Assessments and Pollution Reduction Legislation is enforced all across North America and it is vital for businesses to become compliant by implementing toxic substance reduction plans.

Implementation of a Pollution Prevention Solution Reduces:

  • Pollutants in the air, water, and soil
  • Health risks
  • The use of energy, materials, and resources
  • Future liability
  • Toxic disposal costs

Determining and implementing sustainable solutions to prevent pollution not only benefits the environment by reducing toxins and conserving resources, these solutions also improve your bottom line.

What You Can Expect by Making Your Business More Sustainable with Enviro-Stewards

  • Comprehensive assessments for water and energy efficiency, water conservation, food loss & waste prevention, and decarbonization, among others.
  • Implementation of customized solutions quantified in the assessment phase.
  • Continuous monitoring and optimization of implemented solutions
  • Education and training for staff on sustainability practices

Innovative solutions to reduce pollutants at the source to avoid treatment costs.​

Frequently Asked Questions About Pollution Prevention

Pollution prevention refers to strategies and practices aimed at reducing or eliminating waste at the source by modifying production processes, promoting sustainable practices, and conserving raw materials.

Common methods include process modification, efficient resource utilization, waste recycling and reuse, and substitution of hazardous materials with safer alternatives.

Assessments involve evaluating current processes and practices to identify areas where pollution can be prevented, reduced, or eliminated, and recommending practical, cost-effective solutions.

Implementing pollution prevention strategies not only helps businesses comply with regulations but also improves operational efficiency, reduces waste management costs, and enhances corporate image.

Yes, effective pollution prevention strategies are integral to achieving sustainability goals as they help conserve natural resources, reduce waste, and minimize environmental impact.

We are engineering change.

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