Enviro-Stewards has been assisting Fruition Fruit & Fills (a division of Tim Hortons) to identify, justify and implement measures to improve the sustainability of Fruition’s production processes.  As outlined in the linked advertorial, from 2007 to 2010, sustainability improvements (on a per unit of production basis) were as follows:


The facility is saving approximately $490,000 per year in energy, water, ingredients, surcharge and landfill fees.  Efficiency improvements have also eliminated the need for an expensive end-of-pipe treatment system for pH and Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) removal.


The facility has reduced Greenhouse gas emissions by about 30%, electricity by 31%, natural gas by 26%, wastewater discharge by 75%, organic discharges to sewer by 88%, and solid waste to landfill by 82%.


Efficiency improvements have reduced worker exposure to ingredient dust and wastewater neutralization chemicals.  Also, ingredient pails were used to help launch a solar mango drying project in South Sudan and the facility purchased 40 biosand filters in South Sudan that are providing 800,000 litres per year of safe drinking water and avoiding more than 120 tonnes of carbon emissions.

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