Safe Water Social Ventures

Safe Water Social Ventures

Change a life today.

Enviro-Stewards began Safe Water Social Ventures in 2004 as a way to empower communities to sustainably provide safe water and change lives.

The project focuses on providing training, tools, and mentoring to equip teams to provide safe water to their communities. To accomplish this goal, we work with grassroots groups to build local capacity, provide meaningful employment, and to empower these communities to help their neighbours to do the same.

Development, Not Relief

Safe Water Project create viable long-term solutions for communities. Projects are about prevention, not relief. Each project is developed using sustainable technology (biosand filters) that do not require energy or chemicals to operate, are easy to maintain, and can be constructed with locally available materials.

When the biosand filters are installed, they help to develop struggling communities by:

  • Creating local jobs through the construction and maintenance of the filtration systems.
  • Building a local economy through the purchasing of the water.
  • Providing a clean, healthy source of potable water.

Current Project Outcomes

  • 1003 Biofilters
  • 58,058,411 Litres of Clean Water
  • 8,709 Greenhouse Gases Reduced
  • $62,356.25 Money Saved To Avoided Cases of Typhoid
  • $26,810.00 USD Injected into Local Economy After Wages Paid

Safe Water Project Locations

A billion people don’t have access to safe water. They have water; it just isn’t safe to drink.

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