Tamala & Macmillan (centre) after sledding with some Enviro-Stewards staff & friends.

Recently Enviro-Stewards had the pleasure of hosting two delegates from Malawi, Africa, through Engineers Without Borders’ (EWB’s) Kumvana Program.  Macmillan Chikhoza and Tamala Zembeni worked with our team in the office and also took part in several tours in Waterloo and Toronto.  Enviro-Stewards employees hosted Macmillan and Tamala in their homes during their stay before the delegates moved on to their next placement. During their stay, the delegates visited relevant projects in the area and collaborated on open source materials that Enviro-Stewards is developing to help developers implement self-sustaining water purification projects in the developing world.

You can learn more about EWB and the Kumvana program here.

Deepak & Macmillan in front of an iconic Canadian store in Toronto.
Alicia & Tamala.
We are engineering change.

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